Monday, July 6, 2009


I made Vegetable Gyoza and Edamame Succotash from the Vegetarian Times tonight! Yum.

Sorry, no pic - we dug in before I could take a picture.

I will note that I did not use sesame oil (some of us react to it), and I don't have cilantro or chili oil, so I used dried oregano and cayenne powder. I try to limit the oil I cook with anyway, and chili oil isn't very spicy (or maybe the stuff I bought once wasn't). I buy cayenne pepper, along with most of my spices, from the bulk section of the health food store. It's a lot cheaper than buying McCorrmick or any of those bottled spices from the grocery store. A decent health food store has good turnover with the spices, so they aren't already old when you get them. Also, you can get cayenne pepper (or red pepper) powder in various levels of heat at the health food store, and the hottest stuff is not much more than the regular stuff, so it actually is more cost effective because you use less (yeah, right - I like it hot!).

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